Rock jumping? No big deal!
Jordan Smith

How long have you lived in the Village?
I have lived in the Village for 12 years.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done/has happened to you?
The craziest thing that I have done is when I went to Lake Norris, Tennessee. We have been going there every summer for a couple of years, and it has become a tradition to jump off this very high bridge where people jump off into the water. It’s probably about 35ft high. I have jumped off that bridge. There is also a high rock on that same lake that might be slightly higher (than the bridge) that I have also jumped off. I was nervous before I jumped off the bridge but excited afterward that I did it. My mom and sister jumped too, but my dad was the most nervous so he didn’t jump off the bridge, but later when we went to the big rock, he did jump.
If you had to pick a theme song to describe yourself, what would it be?
If I had to pick a theme song that would describe me, it would have to be Habibi (Albanian Remix). I feel it best captures my personality.
If you could create a new animal, what would it be?
If I could make a new animal, I would combine my two favorite animals (dog and dolphin) and create a new animal called “dogphin”.
What do you look forward to when you wake up every day?
The thing I most look forward to waking up to every day is my family and my dogs because I love them so much. I have two dogs. Diego is a Jack Russel, 17 years old now. So he is an old man. Hudson is like a fluffy cloud (Bichon Frise) who is five years old.