Penny the Poodle-Esque Pup

Wedgewood's Old English Sheepdog With a Heart of Gold

Penny was able to enjoy Tyler and Sarah's wedding. She loves to be a part of it all!

Old English Sheepdog Penny Johnson of Wellington Boulevard is five years old and has a lot of hair. Her voluminous white and gray fur (which makes her look much heavier than the 60-pound measurement the scale reads) must be strictly maintained to prevent matting. Unlike most Old English Sheepdogs, Penny’s fur is kept short to make things easier for her owners, Sarah and Tyler Johnson. However, because of this choice, the Johnsons often have to correct peoples’ assumption that Penny is a Sheepadoodle. They understand how one could make a mistake, though–they even think she has “poodle energy.” 

Over five years ago, Sarah convinced Tyler they needed a dog in their eighth-floor downtown apartment complex. The couple had just moved in together, and Sarah felt that they needed a furry friend in their lives. They rang in the New Year by picking Penny up from a breeder outside Pittsburgh. However, Penny no longer holds the position of only child, as Sarah and Tyler gave birth to their first son, Fitzgerald, earlier in the summer. Penny is growing to love her new brother, often kissing him on his feet. The young family enjoys taking long walks throughout Wedgewood and HighBanks Park. 

Although Penny is friendly to all that meet her (humans and dogs alike), her closest four-legged friends are Kirby (who lives across the street) and her fellow Old English Sheepdog, Simon. She loves the company of her owners. 

“She matches our energy well–when we’re on the go, she’s game, but she also loves a relaxing Sunday at home,” Sarah said. “She has been by our side for some important moments: our engagement photos, our wedding, bringing Fitz home from the hospital, and countless parties at our place with friends.” 

In addition to her immediate owners, Penny loves her extended family. She especially enjoys it when Sarah’s mom visits from Toledo (although it might have to do with the fact that she usually brings her “bow wow bagels” from Barry’s Bagels Deli). Penny’s other favorite snacks include chicken chips and coveted (but rare) licks of peanut butter. She looks forward to the latter when she performs her “party” trick of spinning around in a circle. 

Like most furry friends throughout Wedgewood, Penny has her quirks. One of the most notable is that she fears Johnson’s hardwood floors. This makes getting out of the door for walks a timely process, as Penny has to move around the house's first floor very carefully. Her owners lovingly call it “a part of her unique charm.” 

And lastly, what better way to conclude Penny’s feature article than a recommendation for Wedgewood dog owners from Penny herself? All Paws Retreat in Franklinton has been Penny’s go-to doggy daycare center for over five years; Penny was the establishment’s first overnight boarder. Getting her hair cut and seeing all of her friends in the same place makes All Paws Retreat a true retreat for Penny.