The Sweet Fun of Halloween

Candy Favorites and Traditions

Halloween is more than just costumes and spooky decorations—it's when candy becomes the ultimate treasure. For kids like Finn, Brady, and Mauve Pedwick, candy plays a key role in the excitement of the holiday. Each child has their preferences, making the hunt for treats an adventure full of surprises.

Finn Pedwick's favorite Halloween candy isn't your typical choice. While most kids might pick a popular candy bar, Finn's top pick is a cookie with a Halloween character on it. He'd choose a chocolate bar if he could only eat one candy for a whole day. Though Finn doesn't trade candy yet, he's clear on which ones he likes best and which he could live without. Reese's Pieces, Snickers, and Whoppers are candies Finn prefers to avoid, while Skittles and big Hershey bars top his favorites.

The weirdest candy Finn's ever received while trick-or-treating? A big chocolate bar might not sound unusual but left an impression. He's a fan of chocolate candy over fruity options, deciding which candy to eat first by picking the one with the most sugar. Finn once experimented by mixing a Buckeye with chocolate, and when it comes to his dream Halloween candy, he imagines a cookie as big as a mansion—clearly, he's aiming for something grand!

Brady Pedwick shares Finn's love for chocolate, with M&Ms being his favorite. Mauve Pedwick agrees—M&M is her top pick, too. While they might be a bit young for candy trading, their excitement for Halloween and candy is apparent. For Finn, the fun isn't just in collecting the candy—it's in savoring the biggest pieces first and trying out new combinations like Skittles and M&Ms, which he found to be "sorta good."

As Halloween approaches, kids everywhere are getting ready for their candy haul. They are eager to dress up in their favorite costumes and dig into their treats afterward. Whether it's a giant cookie, a fruity Hershey bar, or a big candy bar, the joy of Halloween is sweeter with every piece of candy unwrapped and enjoyed.