Lucky & Leo Mahoney

Two Sweet Goldens

Leo is a bit darker than his blonde brother

Meet the Mahoney family - Michael (Dad), Carmen (Mom), Isabella (14), and their two dogs, Lucky and Leo. Although both Lucky and Leo are Golden Retrievers, they have certain traits and characteristics that set them apart. Lucky was born in April 2016 and boasts his light-colored fur while Leo was born in August 2020 and sports a darker fur.
The Mahoney family got Lucky after their first Golden Retriever, Sunny, (who was a very special boy) passed away. The Mahoneys later got Leo after the Covid lockdown because they wanted to add some more excitement to their lives, and according to them, “Boy did they get excitement.” Lucky loves to play games with his family and go out on walks where he can get some fresh air and meet lots of people from the neighborhood.
Some of Lucky’s favorite things to do are playing ball and running around in the field behind the pool. Lucky also has a mischievous side, often stealing shoes, socks, and even the remote while his family is watching TV. Lucky, with his playful nature, is good friends with the Mahoney's cats and also some of the strays in the neighborhood.  
Leo on the other hand also likes walks and playing with his family and close friends. However, he is more cautious around people he’s never met before and often resorts to barking as his defensive mechanism. Leo wasn’t always like this as he started out as a typical golden that loved everyone. This behavior stemmed from an incident when he and Lucky got kenneled together while the Mahoneys were on a short vacation. During this time, Leo contracted an eye infection that nearly impaired his vision permanently. The Mahoneys took him to the University of MO Veterinary School of Medicine where Leo was administered heavy drugs that resulted in his “less than pleasant” attitude while on walks.
Other than that, Leo finds joy in entertaining guests at the Mahoney’s house and plays a lot with his brother and close dog pals (Molly, Claire, Jasmine, Dakota, and Daz). His family hopes, “As he matures, he will be a little more tolerant and expand his group of friends.” 
Lucky and Leo are cherished members of the family as they get the “run of the house.” Leo usually likes to snuggle with the family in bed, while Lucky prefers to sleep by himself. The Mahoneys no longer use kennels and have a house sitter as well as a pet walker instead. If you ever see Lucky or Leo out on a walk in the neighborhood, be sure to extend a friendly greeting their way and say “Hi”- they are indeed precious pets!