Derby Days
King and Bear Ladies Tea

On Saturday, May 7, members and guests assembled at AJ’s Kitchen & Cocktails in the World Golf Village King and Bear Clubhouse to celebrate and watch “the fastest 2 minutes in sports” at the Kentucky Derby Party. Staci Watkins, the club’s new events coordinator, herself hailing from Kentucky, officiated and oversaw the themed cocktails of mint juleps and Kentucky Oaks Lilies. Later she raffled off items from the Lexington Brewing Company that provided samples of Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale and Kentucky Vanilla Barrel Cream Ale.
Attendees appeared in their Kentucky Derby finery, complete with big hats, while authentic Kentucky Derby fare was served, including such classics as Kentucky burgoo with cornbread, turkey and pork hot browns, and cracklins with pimento cheese, topped off with classic derby pie. Televisions were tuned to the race, and the attendees watched their favorites, then cheered as Rich Strike crossed the finish line three-quarters of a length ahead of Epicenter.